
Conversations concerning public expressions and involvement of the evangelical community.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A return to Reformation devotion is needed more than a return to Reformation doctrine. Doctrine without devotion is dead and leads to the continual need for churches to fill up our lives with activities and instruction. Busy Americans have lost the art of personal devotion and the church contributes to the demise by offering more and more 'opportunities for service' to fill up empty lives.

Rather than inviting the people to a Bible study on Monday night let the church encourage the people to have one in their homes. Rather than inviting the people to a session on prayer on Tuesday night let the church invite the people to learn to pray by praying in their homes. Rather than inviting the people to instruction on Christian finances on Wednesday night let the church encourage the people to commit their finances to the Lord. Rather than inviting the people to a session on witnessing on Thursday night let the church encourage the people to live their lives in witness to their Saviour. Rather than inviting the people to a coffee house ministry on Friday night let the church encourage the people to spend time with their lost friends, even if at the bar and grill. Rather than inviting the people to a picnic on Saturday let the church encourage the people to spend time with their families.

In time, Christians who have learned to depend on the organized church to fill their every need will begin to learn to trust in God again. At the root of American emptiness and the need for constant nurturing is the loss of personal devotion. Christians cannot grow up in Christ by attending sessions, seminars, activities, and even Bible studies led by others. They must be challenged and encouraged to find God in their own times of quiet devotion and prayer. The church cannot do this for them and must cease in its efforts to control every aspect of the believer's life. God is quite capable of developing his own disciples when the church is willing to allow God the space in people's lives to do so. Or might the church be afraid to do so for fear of losing control and the signs of success that go with it?


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