
Conversations concerning public expressions and involvement of the evangelical community.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Trust Christ. Trust Christ alone. Trust Christ completely. You cannot trust yourself because you are a sinner. You cannot trust your decision for Christ because sometimes people change their minds. You cannot trust your repentance because no repentance is perfect nor is it from a pure heart. You cannot trust your feelings because feelings change. You cannot trust your experience because experience may come from a variety of sources and your experience tomorrow may contradict your experience today. You cannot trust your doctrine because, as good or correct as you may think it is, it is a human instrument subject to human frailty and fallibility. Do not trust your church because even though it is the body of Christ it does not have to power to bestow salvation. Do not trust your religious understanding or perception because you will never understand perfectly and salvation does not come through your understanding. Do not trust your belief in the facts of Christ's death and resurrection because even the demons believe and tremble.
Do not look within for you cannot see within yourself perfectly and what you can see is full of contradictions. Do not look around you for others cannot tell you the condition of your soul. Do not look behind you because whatever you did or did not do previously did not in itself last beyond the moment. Do not look before you because you are not promised another moment. Look to the cross where Christ died for you.
There is only one constant, one certainty: Christ himself. Trust his decision to save you. In trusting his decision you will find your salvation. Cast yourself completely upon him and then do not trust the act of casting yourself but trust him and his desire to include you in his gift of salvation. "For I am come to seek and to save that which was lost."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen. Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness.

8:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this one!! And I agree wholeheartedly...my perceptions are often so wrong and I know I cannot trust my feelings - they are all over the board! Christ alone - my only hope.

9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good stuff!

7:02 PM  

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