
Conversations concerning public expressions and involvement of the evangelical community.

Monday, February 13, 2006

What's wrong with this picture: large numbers of upper middle class whites driving to huge facilities on Sunday to celebrate God's goodness to them while passing by impoverished neighborhoods on the way? A primary difficulty evangelicals have is separating their gospel from the American dream. Jesus' message brings judgment on the American dream, not blessing. A gospel which blesses materialistic enterprise is foreign to biblical imperatives in the old and new testaments. Jesus would not be comfortable in our large, comfortable churches; rather, he would be out among the poor preaching the true gospel of God's love and grace to the hungry, the sick, and those in prison. American evangelical Christianity cannot long remain oblivious to the real world around us and have any real, significant power from God. And the evidence of real, significant power from God will be the transforming of society and not just the saving of souls.