
Conversations concerning public expressions and involvement of the evangelical community.

Monday, July 17, 2006

"Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel." "For God so loved the world . . ." The model of the church from New Testament times has always been one of storming the "gates of hell." Modern American evangelicals, instead, are building huge fortifications of escape. Into these mini-cities people flock to escape the ever-threatening American culture. Inside these walls they are safe from a culture in rapid retreat from the Christian values which helped produce it. It is a place of safe nostalgia, where God again is supreme, where prayer is encouraged, where fellowship is sweet and Christian play is encouraged. The 'world' is left far behind in these citadels where more and more time is spent in ever-increasing programs of activities. Sunday morning worship has become but a small part of a huge offering of plans and programs designed to "meet people's needs."

But true Christianity cannot exist in isolation from the culture in which it finds itself. True Christianity is evangelistic at its root. Christianity which abandons its culture will eventually cease to be Christianity in the New Testament sense. It may be fun, it may be safe, it may be "meaningful;" but it is not Christianity, whatever the religious language being employed. Paul found in his journeys that faith sometimes brought him into extreme danger; the early church experienced severe trials because of its confession in word and deed that Christ is Lord. Our present-day church cannot be safe and follow Christ at the same time. He is calling us back into a dangerous world of sin, darkness, loneliness and despair to preach the gospel. It cannot be done behind guarded walls where all is safe and serene. We cannot shout, "Jesus is Lord," from within the citadel and hope that the outside world hears.