
Conversations concerning public expressions and involvement of the evangelical community.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

The purpose of this blog is not to extol the virtues of home churches but to challenge the assumption that large evangelical churches are de facto expressions of God's presence and blessing. A troubling aspect to their existence is the apparent lack of influence they have on the culture at large. Surely, God's movement in a society will be accompanied by signs of increased moral sensitivity to materialism, decadence, and devalued life. In addition, an evidence of the gospel taking effect is an increasing awareness of individuals' responsibility to the whole of society and not just to one's own desires or individual rights. A sense of goodness will begin to emerge. Thus far, it seems, evangelical churches have been so consumed with meeting the needs of their own parishoners that, although their numbers have grown, effect outside the walls has been negligent. A sense of true, gospel gravitas is lacking.