
Conversations concerning public expressions and involvement of the evangelical community.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

"A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief." Christians of every age must struggle to find the true Jesus and not the Jesus compatible with current cultural mores. Have not Evangelicals neglected a significant aspect of Jesus' historical ministry in favor of a Jesus in keeping with American ideals and success? The Jesus Evangelicals preach is quite comfortable with success, riches and comfort because these qualities epitomize the American world view. Where is the Jesus of suffering? of struggle? the Jesus who challenges and brings judgment on contemporary thinking and way of life? The Evangelical Jesus exists to legitimize our nationalistic and cultural ideals. The suffering Jesus does not appeal to our sentiments because we have not chosen to suffer. The Jesus who immortalizes the widow and her mite does not appeal to our right of material possessions and abundance. The Jesus who identified with the dispossessed does not appeal to our decision to ignore certain "unfortunate" levels of society. The message of Jesus has been sacrificed on the altar of success and apparent success has become the measure of God's blessing. Indeed, what Jesus are Evangelicals following--the biblical Jesus or the Jesus of our own contemporary creation? Evangelical Christians have become so identified with American culture that they no longer can be identified apart from it. The suffering servant is as foreign to modern Christians has it was to first century Jews. Consequently, the cross has been made of no effect, much as it became a "stumbling block" to early Jews. We cannot continue to preach the cross while ignoring its meaning for our lives.